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Title Author/Affiliation Topic Year of Publication
On Federal Deficits and Debt, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Edward Lane - University at Albany Economic Policies 2021
The role of the Independent Fiscal Institutions in assessing the sustainability of high public debt in the post-Covid era EU Independent Fiscal Institutions Macroeconomic Analysis 2021
The COVID-19 crisis and banking system resilience OECD Financial Analysis 2021
Recapitalising Sovereign Debt – Technical paper Finance for Biodiversity Primary Markets 2021
Asset Purchases in Emerging Markets – Global Economic Prospects – February 2021 World Bank Economic Policies 2021
COVID-19’s legacy of debt and debt service in developing countries Homi Kharas , Meagan Dooley - Center for Sustainable Development Macroeconomic Analysis 2021
Why has COVID-19 hit different European Union economies so differently? André Sapir - Bruegel Macroeconomic Analysis 2020
Covid-19: has the time come for Mainstream Macroeconomics to rehabilitate Money Printing? Axelle Arquié, Jérôme Héricourt Fabien Tripier - CEPII Macroeconomic Analysis 2020
An analysis of network filtering methods to Sovereign Bond yields during COVID-19 Raymond Ka-Kay Pang, Oscar Granados, Harsh Chhajer, Erika Fille Legara - arXivLabs Financial Analysis 2020
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Sovereign Bond Risk Alin Marius Andries, Steven Ongena, Nicu Sprincean - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, University of Zurich Financial Analysis 2020

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