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Systemic Macro-Financial Risk Analysis
This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, provides a comprehensive overview of the theories, tools, and techniques necessary for thorough financial stability analysis. Topics include:
- - systemic risk assessment using a variety of models: their pros and cons, and how they are related;
- - tools for monitoring systemic risk: risk dashboard;
- - modeling links and feedback loops between macroeconomic variables and the financial sector, and vulnerabilities and risks of banks, nonbank financial institutions, non-financial corporates, households, and general government;
- - extracting information from firms’ balance sheets and market data;
- - high level overview of macro-financial risk analysis using stress testing of banks and non-bank financial institutions, corporates, and households;
- - high level overview of networks: contagion and interconnectedness analysis;
- - overview of climate risk analysis and stress testing […]
Application Deadline: March 02, 2025