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List of Focus
Title Author/Affiliation Area Date of Publication
Sovereign debt issuance trends in emerging market economies OECD Developing Countries 1/1/70
Making Public Debt public—ongoing initiatives and reform options IMF Global 9/6/23
OECD Global Forum on Public Debt Management 2022 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Global 2/16/22
Aligning financial flows with sustainability goals: The case for sovereign climate and nature reporting Fiona Stewart and Samantha Power - World Bank Global 2/7/22
How a better debt management tool can aid transparency and spur economic growth Andre Proite - World Bank Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) 1/27/22
Report: Debt Transparency in Developing Economies Diego Rivetti, Doerte Doemeland, Marcello Estevão and others - World Bank Developing Countries 12/15/21
Debt Management Performance Assessment Methodology: 2021 Edition De Moura Estevao Filho Marcello, Doemeland Doerte, Proite Andre, Razlog Lilia, Aslan Cigdem, Rivetti Diego and Others - World Bank Global 12/2/21
Sovereign ESG investing: We can do better Jean Pesme, Anderson Caputo Silva - World Bank Global 7/2/21
Riding the Wave: Navigating the ESG Landscape for Sovereign Debt Managers Sebastien Boitreaud, Ekaterina M.Gratcheva, Bryan Gurhy, Cindy Paladines, and Andrius Skarnulis - World Bank Global 10/30/20
Government support and the COVID-19 pandemic OECD 4/16/20

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