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An International Lender of Last Resort and the International Financial Markets

Increasingly the IMF is being called an international lender of last resort. What does it mean to be a lender of last resort (LOLR)? What supporting structures are required to effectively play that role? Central banks in national financial systems can (and some do) intervene to support some participants in the financial system in times of crisis. What can we learn from national LOLR experience for the occasions under which a LOLR might take action, the instruments the LOLR might use, and what supporting structures might be necessary for a LOLR to be effective in balancing the risks of financial crisis against the risks of moral hazard. If indeed the IMF is being called upon to act as an international LOLR, does it have (or can it be given) the instruments and supporting structures which appear to be necessary in the national context?  […]