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Call for Papers ESG in the Era of Geopolitical and Economic Instability
Research Questions:
Some research questions that contributors to the conference might address are:
- How does economic instability impact investments in environmentally, socially and
governance (ESG) focused funds?
- To what extent does economic instability affect investors' risk-return preferences and
decisions to allocate funds towards ESG investments?
- How does economic instability impact the performance of ESG funds compared to
non-ESG funds?
- How do investors' tendency to preserve capital during uncertain economic times
affect the growth of ESG investments?
- Is there a correlation/causation between economic instability and the decline in
investments in sustainable funds and corporate fundraising through sustainable
- How does the trend of sustainable investing change during the time of economic
- What is the impact of the current economic and geopolitical instability on socially
responsible investments?
- What effect has the climate crisis had on business and investment strategies, and how
are corporations and regulators responding to it?
- How do sustainability issues affect different forms of finance for publicly traded
firms versus privately held firms (including venture backed, crowdfunded, etc.)?
- What is the role of shareholders activism in the time of economic instability?
Related research questions on both publicly traded and privately held institutions are