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Call for Papers “Innovation in investing for the long term”
Authors, both academics and from the financial industry, are invited to submit papers for presentation at the seminar. Papers should have a quantitative background, with empirical testing of models, or other practical relevance and applications. They also encourage submissions of papers also on subtopics in the broad area of Institutional Investing and Asset Management that do not fit the main topic for the seminar. The audience of the Inquire seminar consists of financial professionals, mostly asset managers, all with experience in quantitative analysis of financial markets. A typical presentation will last approx. 30 minutes, plus 30 minutes discussion with the audience. Papers for presentation will be selected by the Program Committee of Inquire Europe. Inquire Europe Prize INQUIRE will pay the travel (economy class) and lodging expenses for the speakers at the meeting. There is a prize of € 4.000 available for the best paper presented at the meeting. The paper will be selected by the Prize Committee of INQUIRE Europe.