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Call for Research Proposals on Monetary Policy and Central Banking Issues in Asia and the Pacific
The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is seeking research paper proposals on key topics related to monetary policy, central banking, and banking and finance, with a focus on economies in Asia and the Pacific. Selected papers will be featured during one of three one-day workshops cohosted by ADBI, the Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association, and three central banks from the region (one for each workshop), to take place during the second half of 2023. Upon satisfactory revision of papers after the event, they may also be eligible for submission to a special issue of an SSCI-listed academic journal.
Authors of selected proposals will be required to submit a full draft paper four weeks prior to the related workshop, to be held either virtually or physically at one of the participating central banks should travel conditions permit.
Research paper topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Managing inflation and currency volatility
Monetary and fiscal policy coordination
The effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy
Monetary policy shocks and spillovers
Macro-financial linkages and the financial system
Asset market and capital flow volatility
Liquidity risk and credit risk
Monetary policy operational frameworks of central banks
Exchange rate management
Financial supervision and macroprudential policy effectiveness
Monetary policy transmission in the digital age
Nonbank finance and monetary policy