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Call for papers “Advances in Green Finance Research: Rethinking the horizon of climate-related risks and implications for the financial system”

This call for papers aims to highlight the short and medium-term climate risks and obstacles to the

transition to Net Zero, and the role of central banks in addressing them.

We welcome the submission of research papers on the following and other relevant topics:

  • Climate-related financial risks and their transmission channels to the real economy (including

sector-specific transmission channels of climate risks to financial stability)

  • Climate-economy scenarios, scenario uncertainty, stress testing (including and possibly

combining both physical and transition risks)

  • Transition risks in the short and medium term, and the associated macroeconomic impacts
  • Transition, energy prices and financial stability (also short and medium-term impact of the

war in Ukraine on the transition)

  • Obstacles to green transition: investment gap, greenflation, inequality/social aspects, lack of

international cooperation

  • Compounding effects, cascades and tipping points in physical and transition risks
  • Climate risks, asset pricing and financial market dynamics
  • Net zero scenarios and portfolio alignment analysis

• Data sets and data processing methodologies related to the above topics