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Call for papers DebtCon7

The range of acceptable topics is wide: all aspects of sovereign debt and related topics, in the past, present or future, are within the scope of the conference, included but not limited to:


  •     Domestic and international politics and economics of sovereign debt restructuring, and the role of international cooperation and institutions.
  •     Rethinking debt sustainability in the face of evolving challenges, linked to climate, conflicts and the role of both international institutions and credit rating agencies in these assessments
  •     The role of domestic markets in financing governments and their risks, the evolution of domestic debt restructuring
  •     The role of courts and legislation in the US and the UK and its consequences for debt in developing countries
  •     The impact of debt burdens and debt forgiveness on human rights, civil society and political conflicts.


This is a long but non-exhaustive list. If you’re curious whether your debt-related research fits the remit of DebtCon7, it probably does; but feel free to ask the organizers prior to the submission deadline.