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Call for papers "Green Finance, responsible investments, and ethics in the era of post-COVID-19 and Russian-Ukrainian conflict"

They cordially invite academics, practitioners, and policymakers who address these issues to submit papers discussing the following topics and answering the following questions:

  • Impacts of the energy crisis on various types of clean energy investments and their implications for investors.
  • Performances of clean energy investments before and after the current energy crisis and their asset allocation consequences.
  • Predicting clean energy stock prices with machine learning to explore the impact of Volatility and uncertainty in the era of post-covid-19 and Russian Ukrainian Conflict
  • Are clean energy investors paying attention to climate risks?
  • Will the European green deal enhance Europe's security towards Russia? theoretic and/or empirical investigation
  • Government intervention and green innovation in Renewable energy towards energy transition and carbon neutrality.
  • Green finance and the labor market 
  • Financing sources, green investment, and environmental performance
  • How COVID-19 and the current conflict has affected the performance of green investment funds
  • Green Finance and Environmental Protection 
  • Green Public Procurement and Corporate Environment Policy
  • Environmental performance and firm financial performance
  • Sustainable development goals achievement from a financial perspective in the era of the current crisis