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Call for papers Inflation in the COVID Era and Beyond

The organizers invite submissions of research papers or of short proposals of 3-5 pages that describe potential research papers that will be completed by mid-April, 2024. Preference will be given to papers that shed light on events of the last few years as well as to papers that advance our understanding of inflation dynamics more generally. A non-exhaustive list of potential topics includes:

  • Measuring the inflationary impact of fiscal stimulus and expansionary monetary policy during the pandemic.
  • Evaluating how supply shortages, for example in the market for computer chips, led to supply-demand imbalances and inflationary spikes.
  • Assessing the link between rising commodity prices, particularly for energy, and short-run as well as longer-run price increases across the economy.
  • Measuring and understanding inflation in a rapidly evolving macroeconomic environment that could include shortages of goods, a rise in the role of online markets, globalization, growing monopoly power, sharp sectoral reallocations, and other changes.
  • Quantifying the role of inflation expectations in generating/propagating inflation and assessing different ways     of forecasting inflation.
  • Measuring slack in the economy and understanding how it affects inflation.
  • Understanding the interactions among price inflation, wage inflation, and markups.