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Call for papers International Research Forum on Monetary Policy: Monetary Policy Challenges during Uncertain Times
There is continuing debate about current financial stability risks and about the interactions of monetary policy with macroprudential and fiscal policies. The submission of papers addressing these, and related macroeconomic topics is encouraged.
Important questions include:
What have been the drivers of the recent inflation surge?
How should monetary policy be conducted in times of structural shifts in the economies?
How do inflation expectations and labor market conditions affect inflation and the conduct of monetary policy?
Does monetary policy have adequate tools to achieve its objectives?
How should the stance of monetary policy be assessed and communicated in real time?
What are the global spillovers of domestic monetary policies?
Do financial factors and financial sector risks affect monetary policy?
Should monetary and fiscal policy be coordinated?
Which factors explain long-run real interest rates?
How should policy be designed under model uncertainty, information frictions and heterogeneous agents/beliefs?