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Call for papers The Ninth Wharton Conference on Liquidity and Financial Fragility
They invite submissions of empirical and theoretical papers in various fields of economics and finance that relate to the broad theme of Liquidity and Financial Fragility. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Coordination failures, self-fulfilling beliefs, and runs
Fragility in banks and non-banks institutions
Financial frictions and the macroeconomy
Liquidity and frictions in financial markets
Systemic risk and financial regulation
Monetary policy and financial stability
Inflation, interest rate risks, and implications on financial fragility
Financial institutions, networks, and contagion
Sovereign debt crises and their link to the financial sector
The impact of crises and fragility on firms’ financing and investment policies
Financial Technology (FinTech) and its implications for financial stability
Digital currencies and their implications for the monetary system