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Europe: the opportunity for Global Investors

OMFIF, in partnership with the European Commission, is hosting a special event in Singapore for investors to better understand how EU bonds are developing into a global benchmark and safe asset in the capital markets. This is an opportunity for investors in the region to hear directly from the officials responsible for the EU budget and its funding and disbursement programme, along with senior representatives from central banks, sovereign funds, public pension funds, international financial institutions and influential business leaders in Asia. Non-European investors are still under-represented in the European Union’s investor base. However, higher interest rates and geopolitical risks mean that non-European investors are increasingly looking at euro-denominated assets, in particular green bonds and sovereign-style debt, to diversify their investments at attractive relative returns. By the end of 2023, the EU had outstanding bonds of more than €450bn, a liquid curve out to 2053. With annual borrowing of roughly €150bn, EU bonds have quickly become a high-quality, liquid global benchmark.

Sessions will include:

  • How to make a modern, global economy
  • Incorporating EU bonds into a fixed income portfolio
  • Creating a global benchmark in green bonds
  • Enhancing liquidity and developing market infrastructure
  • The economic outlook for Europe