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European Economics and Finance Society - Twenty First Annual Conference
Participants will have the opportunity to submit their papers to various journals:
International Journal of Finance and Economics
The conference organizers, in liaison with the editors of the International Journal of Finance and Economics will invite the authors of selected high quality papers that fall within the general remit of the journal, to submit their manuscript to the journal. The editors Professor Keith Pilbeam and Professor Joscha Beckmann will ensure that the selected papers undergo the reviewing process on a fast-track basis.
Economic Modelling
The conference organizers, in liaison with the editors of Economic Modelling, will invite the authors of selected high quality papers that fall within the general remit of the journal, to submit their manuscript to the journal. The editor Professor Sushanta Mallick will ensure that the selected papers undergo the normal reviewing process on a fast-track basis.
Economics & Politics
The conference organizers, in liaison with the editors of Economics & Politics, will invite the authors of selected high quality papers that fall within the general remit of the journal, to submit their manuscript to the journal. The editor-in chief Professor Klaus Zauner will ensure that the selected papers undergo the reviewing process on a fast-track basis.
Economic Analysis and Policy
The conference organizers, in liaison with the editors of Economic Analysis and Policy, will invite the authors of selected high quality papers that fall within the general remit of the journal, to submit their manuscript to the journal. The editor Professor Sushanta Mallick will ensure that the selected papers undergo the reviewing process on a fast-track basis.