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Fiscal Risk Management for Sovereign Guarantees (SFR)
This course, presented by the Fiscal Affairs Department, examines the role of fiscal institutions in budget management and in the identification and management of fiscal risks. It discusses key institutions that help governments better understand the types, scale, and probability that the risks confronting them will materialize, and explores how governments can make the necessary institutional arrangements to mitigate many of these risks. It also examines the extent to which identification and quantification of risks can help promote fiscal transparency. The course discusses the Fiscal Affairs Department's standards and tools related to fiscal institutions and management of fiscal risks, such as the Fiscal Transparency Code, Fiscal Transparency Evaluation, Public Investment Management Assessment (PIMA), PPP-Fiscal Risk Evaluation (P-FRAM) and fiscal stress test, as well as IMF research from the Analyzing and Managing Fiscal Risks paper on identifying, analyzing, and managing fiscal risks.
Apply online by July 28, 2023