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Hungarian borrowers in the global bond markets
This discussion brings together funding heads from Hungary’s sovereign bond issuance programme and from experienced borrowers in the global debt capital markets. Including companies in the energy sector – such as MOL and MVM as well as EXIM, Hungary’s export credit agency – who are active users of these markets, this event is an opportunity to discuss key issues from across the industry. Led by Zoltán Kuráli, chief executive officer for the country’s debt management office (ÁKK), representatives from these issuers will join a panel of bond portfolio managers from around Europe. They will discuss recent funding programmes, aims and strategies for bond issuance in 2024 and how the borrowers decide on currency, maturity and bond themes. The discussion will also cover how borrowers communicate with the buy-side and what they look for from intermediary banks, how they view the rates and inflation environments, and the macro and geopolitical influences on their funding strategies. Investors both on the panel and in the audience will examine the plans presented by borrowers and the 90-minute exchange of ideas will be moderated by OMFIF’s Christopher Garnett