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Systemic Macro-Financial Risk Analysis
This course, developed and delivered by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), provides a comprehensive overview of macro-financial stress testing, and related analytical tools and methodologies developed by IMF staff. It has a topical nature, meaning that each year it combines certain “base elements” of a curriculum with topical themes that deserve emphasis at the current juncture. The 2023 course is designed around the following themes:
- Systemic risk assessment: Definition, dimensions, monitoring, measuring. Sources and amplification channels of economic cycles. Policies to contain systemic risk in its various dimensions.
- Macroprudential financial sector stress testing: Definition and purpose. Cyclical vs. structural macro-financial scenario design. Macro-financial feedback effects, including with a view to banks, non-bank financial institutions, and the economy at large.
- Solvency and liquidity stress testing models.
- Best practice and frontier methodologies regarding contagion and modeling of interconnectedness.
- Primer on climate risk analysis, with a focus on the role of financial system performance conditional on climate transition and physical risk scenarios.
Application Deadline: March 19, 2023