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3rd PDM Conference October 3-4, 2024, Washington, DC
The 3rd Public Debt Management Conference of the Public Debt Management Network, an initiative jointly fostered by the OECD, the Italian Treasury, and the World Bank, will be held in Washington DC, United States, on October 3-4, 2024. See previous editions (2019 in Paris and 2022 in Rome).
The main themes of the Conference are sustainability, disaster, and climate-related issues in public debt management. Other key topics relevant to public debt management, including managing sovereign debt in an inflationary environment, will also be discussed. The event promotes dialogue among policymakers (debt managers, central bankers, regulators), academia and practitioners (investors, dealers, market infrastructure managers), to encourage knowledge-sharing and collaboration across organizations and disciplinary boundaries, and to foster the development and dissemination of best practices in public debt management and related policy issues. The program includes paper presentations along with contributions by prominent keynote speakers.
A preliminary agenda and the registration form to attend the event - in-person or virtual - will be available soon.