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3rd Public Debt Management Conference: Risks and Challenges for Public Debt Management: Inflation, Markets and Climate

The Public Debt Management Network, an initiative jointly fostered by the OECD, the Italian Treasury, and the World Bank, is organizing the 3rd Public Debt Management Conference, titled “Risks and Challenges for Public Debt Management: Inflation, Markets and Climate”, which will be held at the World Bank Headquarters, Washington D.C. USA, on October 3-4, 2024.

Main themes of the Conference are public debt sustainability, managing inflation and market risks, and sovereign debt management strategies in the face of environmental challenges and disaster risks.

The program consists of paper presentations along with contributions by prominent moderators and speakers. Presenters will include national experts, academics, and representatives of international organizations.

Keynote speaker is Prof. Ugo Panizza.

The event promotes dialogue and discussion among policymakers (debt managers, central bankers, regulators), academia and practitioners (investors, dealers, market infrastructure managers), to encourage knowledge-sharing and collaboration across organizations and disciplinary boundaries, and to foster the development and dissemination of best practices in public debt management and related policy issues.

Deadline for in-person participation registration is extended to August 13, 2024. The Conference will be held in-person and online. If you are interested in participating (in person or online), please fill out the registration form. Please note that acceptance for in-person participation at the conference is not guaranteed due to limited space available in the meeting venue. Your application is thus an expression of interest. 

Participants are responsible for obtaining a visa and any other documentation required to enter the United States. Should you need to obtain the official letter to support your visa application, kindly contact: Ms. Oumi Himid at uhimid@worldbank.org.

Provisional PROGRAMME

Any questions about the conference may be directed to:
Lars Jessen ljessen@worldbank.org
Sebastien Boitreaud sboitreaud@worldbank.org
Fatos Koc fatos.koc@oecd.org
Pietrangelo De Biase pietrangelo.debiase@oecd.org
Elisabetta Cervone elisabetta.cervone@mef.gov.it
Federica Colombo federica.colombo@mef.gov.it