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RESCHEDULING: PDM Webinar Series #3 - Primary Dealer Systems: Models and Experiences Across Countries Tuesday March 5, 2024 10-11 a.m. EST | 4-5 p.m. CET
The third webinar of the PDM Webinar Series, entitled Primary Dealer Systems: Models and Experiences Across Countries, will be held on Tuesday March 5, 2024 10-11 a.m. EST | 4-5 p.m. CET. The event will feature as speakers Giovana Leivas Craveiro, Head of Local Trading Desk, National Treasury, Brazil, Luis Alexander Lopez Ruiz, Deputy Director of Domestic Financing, Ministry of Finance, Colombia and Fabrizio Tesseri, Head of Medium-Long term funding, Ministry of Finance, Italy. Zsolt Bango, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank, will moderate the event. The last 15 minutes of the webinar will be reserved to a Q&A session.
A well-functioning Primary Dealer (PD) system can be an important catalyst and a significant contribution to government bond market development. However, designing a PD system is a complex and continuous process. It can be organized in many different ways, depending on the status of market development, general market conditions, expected benefits, and the risks associated with its establishment. The objective of this webinar is to discuss the key issues of establishing a well-functioning PD system through three different country cases, including Brazil, Colombia, and Italy. The panel members will discuss the main characteristics of the different models, the key challenges, and recent changes and dynamics in the PD systems in advanced and developing markets.
This webinar is for PDM Network subscribers only. If you are not a subscriber yet, please subscribe here to the PDM Network no later than Tuesday March 5, 4 a.m. EST I 10 a.m. CET A link to attend the event will be emailed to you right before the webinar.