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Social media policy


This external social media policy explains to users the rules of conduct within the areas governed by the PDM Network and indicates what content and what mode of relationship is to be expected from the PDM Network.
The PDM Network uses institutional and general interest social media to inform, communicate, listen, and to encourage participation, discussion and dialogue with users, with a view to transparency and sharing.



Published content includes information about publications and documents published on the site and on websites dealing with the institutional issues of the PDM Network, new regulations, information on activities and events, and institutional videos and images. The social channels of the PDM Network are also used to gather comments, requests, questions, criticism and suggestions.

Taking advantage of the opportunities that are typical of these services, the PDM Network can share and occasionally forward content and messages of public interest and usefulness originating with third parties on issues of sovereign debt in advanced and developing countries. In these cases the PDM Network limits itself to checking the reliability of the source but does not endorse the content.

The social channels of the PDM Network produce their own content in the form of text, photographs, infographics, videos and other multimedia materials that are considered to be under Creative Commons licence CC BYND 3.0: this content can be reproduced freely but must always be credited to the original channel.
Any advertising space in the social channels used by the PDM Network are not under the control of the PDM Network but are managed independently by the social network.



The social channels of the PDM Network are moderated during office hours. Moderation by the PDM Network within its own spaces is done post facto, i.e. after publication, and is intended solely to catch any conduct contrary to the rules of use.

The social channels of the PDM Network MAY NOT for any reason at all be used to publish posts and comments/content that are discriminatory or offensive to other users, whether present or not in the discussion, to institutions, associations, companies or those who manage and/or moderate the social channels.

Insults, foul language, threats or attitudes that adversely affect personal dignity, the rights of minorities and children or the principles of freedom and equality will not be tolerated.

In any case, all posts, comments and multimedia materials will be removed if they:

  • have political or propaganda content;
  • aim to promote commercial for-profit activities;
  • use inappropriate language and/or a threatening, violent, vulgar or disrespectful tone;
  • contain illegal content or incitement to illegal activities;
  • have offensive, misleading or alarmist content or are in violation of the rights of third parties;
  • disclose personal data or information that may result in harm to or damage the reputation of third parties;
  • contain obscene or pornographic material or child pornography, or offend the moral values or sensitivity of users;
  • contain content that is discriminatory regarding gender, race, ethnicity, language, religion, political views, sexual orientation, age, personal or social conditions;
  • promote or support unlawful activities that infringe copyright or that improperly use registered trademarks;
  • contain content classified as spam.

The PDM Network reserves the right to remove any content that is deemed in violation of this social media policy or any applicable law. Regarding those who violate these conditions or the conditions contained in the policies for the specific applications provided, it reserves the right to ban or block any further posts and to report the user to those responsible for the platform and if appropriate to law enforcement agencies.


Sensitive data posted in public comments or social media posts on the PDM Network will be removed. Data shared by users through private messages sent directly to the channel's operators will be processed in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.