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Medium-term debt management strategies: recent capacity building efforts
The Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS) framework was endorsed by the Boards of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in 2007. This endorsement and the mandate to help countries build capacity in this area, and past G-20 attention to debt management issues, reflect a recognition that sound debt management is critical both to macroeconomic stability and to the development and functioning of the financial markets. The Bank and the Fund have collaborated to deliver a large volume of MTDS-based technical assistance to numerous, mostly middle and lower income countries. Donors have recognized the importance of this work and have been generous in their support. The assistance has taken many forms, including country visits by staff and experts, the delivery of regional training events, and the organization of forums.This note describes how capacity building on MTDS has been adapted to keep abreast of country needs