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Title Author/Affiliation Topic Year of Publication
Debt is dragging down the Developing World Mark Suzman - Foreign Affairs Debt Crisis 2024
Financing our future: how Subnational Governments can mobilise the resources to deliver on the SDGS Stefano Marta, Isabelle Chatry, Lorenz Gross, Guillaume Lafortune , Eamon Drumm - OECD, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Economic Policies 2024
Breaking The Debt Supercycle Atif Mian - Princeton University Debt Policy 2024
A Framework for Monitoring of and Reporting for External Project Loans in Developing Countries Emre Balibek, Guy T Anderson, Kieran McDonald - IMF Institutional and Organizational Framework 2024
Diaspora Bonds: Patriotism or Investment? Michael Bradley, Irving De Lira Salvatierra, Mitu Gulati - Duke University, University of Virginia School of Law Debt Policy 2024
Effect of Macroprudential Policies on Sovereign Bond Markets: Evidence from the ASEAN-4 Countries Joshua Aizenman et al. - University of Southern California Debt Policy 2023
On Debt and Climate Patrick Bolton, Lee C. Buchheit, Mitu Gulati, Ugo Panizza, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Jeromin Zettelmeyer - Imperial College London, Center for Contract and Economic Organization, University of Virginia School of Law, IHEID, University of Geneva, Bruegel Debt Policy 2023
Money and the Public Debt: Treasury Market Liquidity as a Legal Phenomenon Lev Menand, Josh Younger - Columbia Law School, Federal Reserve Banks Debt Policy 2023
What will it cost the European Union to pay its economic recovery debt? Grégory Claeys; Conor McCaffrey; Lennard Welslau - Bruegel Foundation Economic Policies 2023
Policies for liquid and well functioning sovereign debt markets Alexandre Tombini - BIS Debt Policy 2023

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