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Title Author/Affiliation Topic Year of Publication
Sovereign haircuts: 200 years of creditor losses Clemens M. Graf von Luckner et al - Sciences Po Debt Crisis 2024
Debt is dragging down the Developing World Mark Suzman - Foreign Affairs Debt Crisis 2024
Beyond Debt Relief: Navigating Somalia's Path to Sustainable Economic Resilience and Growth in the Post-HIPC Era Mohamed Ibrahim Nor - Simad University Debt Crisis 2024
Emerging public debt challenges in subSaharan Africa Maureen Were - Central Bank of Kenya Debt Crisis 2024
Distributional Crowding Out Effects of Public Debt on Private Investment in Developing Economies Asif M. Islam, Ha Nguyen - World Bank, IMF Debt Crisis 2024
The IMF must lead on debt sustainability Mia Amor Mottley - Barbados Prime Minister Debt Crisis 2024
A better way to induce creditor cooperation in sovereign-debt workouts Lee C. Buchheit, Indermit Gill - University of Edinburgh, World Bank Debt Crisis 2024
Debt justice in 2024: challenges and prospects in a full-blown debt crisis Iolanda Fresnillo - Eurodad Debt Crisis 2024
Insights Into Gulf Bailout Diplomacy: Unveiling 6 Key Features Camille Lons, Hasan Alhasan - European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), The International Institute for Strategic Studies IISS-Middle East Debt Crisis 2024
A silent debt crisis is engulfing developing economies with weak credit ratings Philip Kenworthy, M. Ayhan Kose, Nikita Perevalov - World Bank Debt Crisis 2024

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