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Title Author/Affiliation Topic Year of Publication
How Transparency makes Debt Sustainability analyses a trusted and effective tool Gail Hurley - Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) New York and Jubilee USA Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2024
Tackling the World’s Hidden Debt Problem Pablo Saavedra, Manuela Francisco, Diego Rivetti - World Bank Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2024
I (Don’t) Owe You: Sovereign Default and Borrowing Behavior Dimitris Georgarakos, Alexander Popov - European Central Bank Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2024
News and Views on Public Finances: A Survey Experiment Jan Behringer et al - Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2024
Supporting Debt Transparency through the Debtor Reporting System (DRS) and Sustainable Development Finance Policy (SDFP): A Mission to Mozambique Parul Agarwal, Albert Pijuan, Salafiseha Haile Gebregziabher - World Bank Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2023
Improving Sovereign Financing Conditions Through Data Transparency Jesus Gonzalez-Garcia - International Monetary Fund Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2022
Green budgeting: A way forward Andrew Blazey, Margaux Lelong - OECD Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2022
Green Budgeting Practices in the EU: A First Review Elsa Tova - European Commission Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2022
Historical monetary and financial statistics for policymakers: towards a unified framework Claudio Borio, Øyvind Eitrheim, Marc Flandreau, Clemens Jobst, Jan F Qvigstad, Ryland Thomas - BIS Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2022
Standardized Sovereign Debt Statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean: Analysis of Regional and Country Trends and Cross-Country Comparisons Joan Prats, María Eugenia Pereira - Inter-American Development Bank Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2022

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