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Title Author/Affiliation Topic Year of Publication
How to truly fix the Federal Debt Brian Riedl - Manhattan Institute Debt Policy 2024
Using public debt to deliver long-term investments and reforms Pierre Boyer, Brian Roberson - Ecole Polytechnique, Purdue University Debt Policy 2024
Energizing sustainable bond markets in Asia Shu Xuan Tan, Ramnath N. Iyer - IIED Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis Debt Policy 2024
Foreign or Domestic Public Debt for Cameroon’s Development? An Externality Approach Nelson Derrick Nguepi, Ibrahim Ngouhouo, Irina Bilan - University of Dschang, Cameroon, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania Macroeconomic Analysis 2024
Debt for Development Swaps: An Approach Framework IMF - World Bank Debt Policy 2024
The challenge of debt and deficits in small states Mattia Coppo, Sam Hill, Yi Ji, Jeetendra Khadan - The World Bank Macroeconomic Analysis 2024
Economic and Political determinants of Sovereign Default and IMF Credit use: A robustness assessment post 2010 Lina Maddah , Hassan Sherry, Hussein Zeaiter - Lebanese American University Debt Crisis 2024
Debt is dragging down the Developing World Mark Suzman - Foreign Affairs Debt Crisis 2024
Financing our future: how Subnational Governments can mobilise the resources to deliver on the SDGS Stefano Marta, Isabelle Chatry, Lorenz Gross, Guillaume Lafortune , Eamon Drumm - OECD, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Economic Policies 2024
Breaking The Debt Supercycle Atif Mian - Princeton University Debt Policy 2024

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