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2nd Public Debt Management Conference - Rome, May 26-27, 2022
The Public Debt Management Network is pleased to announce that the 2nd Public Debt Management Conference will be held in Rome, Italy, on May 26-27, 2022.
This year's conference will address specific challenges related to assessing debt sustainability in the post-COVID environment, demand for government securities in the long term and debt management (re)actions during crisis times.
During the two days, presentations of papers selected by the conference’s organizing committee on topics relevant to the debt management community will be followed by audience discussions.
The conference will be held in hybrid format, meaning that it will combine an in-person event with online participation. Access requirements and technical information will be sent to registered online participants, at a later stage.
Online registration is closed. For more information, please contact:
The preliminary agenda and a logistics note for registered in-person participants are attached below.