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Over the years, the OECD, the WB and other multilateral organizations have identified a set of best practices in all areas of public debt management. Such best practices may significantly contribute to reducing governments' vulnerability to domestic and international financial shocks.

In fact, good, internationally-recognized practices are crucial for managing public debt, given the potential impact of huge borrowing flows and very high government debt to GDP ratios on a global scale and the recurring risk of debt crises.

Complete List of Documents in this Section

List of Documents
Title Author
Debt Sustainability Analyses for Low-Income Countries: An Assessment of Projection Performance Henry Mooney, Constance de Soyres
Medium-Term Budget Frameworks in Sub-Saharan African Countries Richard Allen, Taz Chaponda, Lesley Fisher, Rohini Ray
Medium-term debt management strategies: recent capacity building efforts World Bank International Monetary Fund