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Debt Policy

Public debt management policies are the guidelines and procedures that guide the debt issuance practices of central and local governments, including the issuance process, risk management of a debt portfolio, and adherence to internal and international regulations. In particular, public debt management is the process of establishing and executing a strategy for managing the government’s debt in order to raise the required amount of funding at the lowest possible cost over the medium to long run, consistent with a prudent degree of risk. It should also meet any other public debt management goals the government may have set, such as developing and maintaining an efficient market for government securities. In a broader macroeconomic context for public policy, governments should seek to ensure that both the level and rate of growth in their public debt are on a sustainable path and that the debt can be serviced under a wide range of circumstances, including economic and financial market stress, while meeting cost and risk objectives.

Complete List of Documents in this Section

List of Documents
Title Author
Does Public Debt Matter for Human Capital Development? Evidence from Nigeria Ebele S. Nwokoye, et al
The End of Magical Debt Thinking Kenneth Rogoff
A European Climate Bond Irene Monasterolo et al.
Breaking The Debt Supercycle Atif Mian
Fiscal and monetary policy: debating optimal interactions Jacopo Cimadomo, Demosthenes Ioannou