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Title Author/Affiliation Topic Year of Publication
State-Contingent Debt Instruments: Prospects for Enhancing Growth William R. Rhodes et al. - The Bretton Woods Committee Debt Restructuring 2024
Sri Lanka’s Bond Deal Should Not Set a Precedent Brad W. Setser - Council on Foreign Relations Financial Analysis 2024
Energizing sustainable bond markets in Asia Shu Xuan Tan, Ramnath N. Iyer - IIED Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis Debt Policy 2024
Beyond Debt Relief: Navigating Somalia's Path to Sustainable Economic Resilience and Growth in the Post-HIPC Era Mohamed Ibrahim Nor - Simad University Debt Crisis 2024
On the Output Effect of Fiscal Consolidation Plans: A Causal Analysis Carbonari Lorenzo, Farcomeni Alessio, Maurici Filippo, Trovato Giovanni - University of Rome Tor Vergata Economic Policies 2024
Between Keynesianism and Neoclassicism: A Comparative Analysis of Public Debt-Unemployment Nexus Across Continents Swapnanil SenGupta, Jayanta Talukder, Aakansha Atal - The University of Manchester, National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), Jawaharlal Nehru University Macroeconomic Analysis 2024
Financing our future: how Subnational Governments can mobilise the resources to deliver on the SDGS Stefano Marta, Isabelle Chatry, Lorenz Gross, Guillaume Lafortune , Eamon Drumm - OECD, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Economic Policies 2024
Local Government Debt, Local Government Financing Platforms, and Green Development Efficiency Yonghao Guan, Jingjin Wu, Yiqi He - Nanjing University of Finance and Economics Primary Markets 2024
Development of New Products for Climate Change Resilience in South Africa—The Catastrophe Resilience Bond Introduction Thomas Mutsvene, Heinz Eckart Klingelhöfer - Tshwane University of Technology Primary Markets 2024
Public Debt and Economic Growth: A panel kink regression latent group structures approach Chaoyi Chen, Thanasis Stengos, Jianhan Zhang - Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary), MNB Institute, John von Neumann University, University of Guelph Macroeconomic Analysis 2024

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