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List of Focus
Title Author/Affiliation Area Date of Publication
Sovereign Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investing: Chasing Elusive Sustainability Ekaterina Gratcheva, Bryan Gurhy - IMF Global 5/24/24
Global State of the Market Report 2023 Climate Bonds Initiative Global 5/15/24
Global Debt Report 2024: Bond Markets in a High-Debt Environment OECD Global 3/8/24
BTP Green Allocation and Impact Report 2023 Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance 6/22/23
India incorporates green bonds into its climate finance strategy Farah Imrana Hussain, Helena Dill - The World Bank 6/13/23
E-Learning course: “GSS Bonds - Sustainable finance solutions for emerging markets” World Bank Emerging Markets 4/27/23
Sovereign Green, Social, and Sustainability Bonds: Unlocking the potential for Emerging Markets The World Bank Emerging Markets 11/16/22
Climate and Debt - 25th Geneva Report on the World Economy Patrick Bolton, Lee Buchheit, Mitu Gulati, Ugo Panizza, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Jeromin Zettelmeyer - Imperial College London and CEPR, University of Edinburgh, University of Virginia, Geneva Graduate Institute and CEPR, Bruegel and CEPR Global 10/10/22
Btp Green, the new sovereign bond to finance Italy's ecological transition Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance 10/6/21
Webinar: Pros & Cons of Sovereign Green Bonds World Bank Treasury Global 12/12/19

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