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Webinar: Pros & Cons of Sovereign Green Bonds
The World Bank Treasury organised a webinar on sovereign Green Bonds, where speakers presented benefits, challenges and costs of issuing these instruments with the objective of sharing experience and key lessons amongst practitioners. Participants included Anthony Requin, Chief Executive at Agence France Tresor, the French Debt Management Office, and Farah Imrana Hussain, Senior Financial Officer at the World Bank Treasury who has been advising country clients on Green Bonds and other financial instruments.
10 years ago, The World Bank issued the first-ever green bond then laid out the first blueprint for sustainable fixed income investing, transforming development finance and sparking a sustainability revolution in the capital markets. Green bonds have become a strategic priority for The World Bank as they support all Sustainable Development Goals. Watch this video to learn about the investors, evaluator, and Treasury behind the first green bond and how it turned into a $12 billion World Bank program 10 years later.