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Title Author/Affiliation Topic Year of Publication
15 years since crisis quantitative easing lays bare imperfect execution Tamim Bayoumi, Mark Bathgate - IMF, Tweeddale Advisors Economic Policies 2024
Public investment: The orphan of politics Martin Larch, Wouter van der Wielen - European Fiscal Board, European Investment Bank Economic Policies 2024
Hidden Debt Revelations Sebastian Horn et al - World Bank Accounting Statistics Reporting and Auditing 2024
Banga Shouldn’t Get His “Biggest” at the Cost of IDA’s Best Charles Kenny, Clemence Landers - CGD Center for Global Development Multilateral Financing 2024
Hedge funds: good or bad for market functioning? Federico Maria Ferrara et al - ECB Secondary Markets 2024
Central clearing in government bond markets: keeping the "safe asset" safe? Matteo Aquilina, Martin Scheicher, Andreas Schrimpf - BIS Cost and Risk 2024
Climate Change: Implications for Monetary Policy Labanya Prakash Jena , Dhruba Purkayastha - IEEFA Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis Primary Markets 2024
Debt Sustainability Analysis in Reformed EU Fiscal Rules: The Effect of Fiscal Consolidation on Growth and Public Debt Ratios Philipp Heimberger et al. - Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies Economic Policies 2024
Which exchange rate matters to global investors? Kristy Jansen, Hyun Song Shin, Goetz von Peter - Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, BIS Financial Analysis 2024
The Poisoned Chalice of Debt Mark Aguiar - Princeton University Financial Analysis 2024

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